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Achieving Full-Body Motion Capture in Outdoor Environments with Xsens MVN

Motion capture technology has revolutionized the way we create animations, offering unprecedented accuracy and realism. Among the leading systems in this field, Xsens MVN stands out for its ability to capture full-body motion in any environment, including outdoors. This article delves into the intricacies of using Xsens MVN for outdoor motion capture, exploring its features, integration capabilities, and practical applications.

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Motion capture (mocap) is an essential tool in the animation and gaming industries, providing detailed and precise movement data that can be directly applied to digital characters. While traditional optical systems like Vicon and OptiTrack have set high standards, they require a controlled environment with multiple cameras. Xsens MVN, on the other hand, employs inertial tracking technology, allowing for full-body motion capture without the need for external cameras. This flexibility makes it ideal for capturing motion in diverse settings, including outdoor environments.

Xsens MVN Technology

Xsens MVN uses a network of inertial measurement units (IMUs) embedded in a suit worn by the performer. These sensors track the motion of each body part in real-time, providing highly accurate data with low latency. The suit is lightweight and portable, enabling performers to move freely in any environment. Key features of Xsens MVN include:

  • Full-body tracking: Captures the motion of the entire body, including subtle movements.
  • High accuracy and low latency: Ensures precise data capture and real-time feedback.
  • No external cameras required: Suitable for outdoor and on-location shoots.
  • Ease of use: Simple setup and calibration process.

Integration with Animation Software

The data captured by Xsens MVN can be seamlessly integrated into industry-standard animation software such as Autodesk MotionBuilder, Blender, and Unreal Engine. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Capturing Motion: Wear the Xsens suit and perform the required movements. The IMUs will record the data and transmit it to the Xsens software.
  2. Data Cleaning: Import the raw data into MotionBuilder. Use its advanced features to clean and refine the motion capture data, removing any noise or errors.
  3. Retargeting: Map the cleaned data onto a digital character. This step ensures that the character’s movements match the performer’s actions accurately.
  4. Further Refinement: Import the retargeted animation into Blender for additional adjustments and integration into the scene.
  5. Final Integration: Bring the final animation into Unreal Engine, where you can add environments, lighting, and other elements to create a complete scene.

Outdoor Motion Capture with Xsens MVN

To illustrate the practical application of Xsens MVN in outdoor environments, let’s consider a case study of a film production requiring realistic parkour movements in an urban setting.

  • Preparation: The performer wears the Xsens suit and calibrates the sensors. The calibration process is quick and can be done on-site.
  • Recording: The performer executes a series of parkour moves, jumping and climbing over obstacles. The Xsens system captures every movement with high accuracy.
  • Data Processing: The captured data is imported into MotionBuilder for cleaning and retargeting. Any inconsistencies due to the challenging environment are corrected.
  • Animation Integration: The refined data is then used to animate a digital character in Blender. The character’s movements perfectly replicate the performer’s parkour actions.
  • Scene Creation: The final animation is integrated into Unreal Engine, where the urban environment and additional effects are added to complete the scene.

Comparing Xsens MVN with Other Systems

Xsens MVN offers unique advantages over optical systems like Vicon and OptiTrack, especially for outdoor applications:

FeatureXsens MVNViconOptiTrack
EnvironmentAny, including outdoorControlled indoorControlled indoor
SetupQuick and portableExtensive, fixed camerasExtensive, fixed cameras
AccuracyHighVery highVery high


Xsens MVN represents a significant advancement in motion capture technology, offering unparalleled flexibility and accuracy for capturing full-body motion in any environment. Its ease of use, portability, and integration capabilities make it an ideal choice for animators and filmmakers looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible with motion capture. Whether you’re creating realistic animations for films, games, or virtual reality experiences, Xsens MVN provides the tools you need to bring your vision to life.

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