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Understanding Cloud Computing: The Backbone of Modern IT Business

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to the use of computing resources over the internet. These resources include not only storage devices but also computing power and networking resources—essentially any IT resource you might need. It might seem a bit abstract at first, so let’s consider a practical example.

Imagine you have a brilliant idea and want to start an AI company. You’ll need a web service, perhaps even an AI model. But training an AI model can be prohibitively expensive, possibly costing billions. Even after creation, maintaining and operating the service is costly. You’d need to host and deploy it, traditionally done via physical servers. However, if your service scales up, will you keep installing more physical servers? And what if your service fails? Selling those servers would be impractical.

Consider an application with sporadic traffic, like one that sees a surge during rush hours or when the last subway train is about to leave. During off-peak hours, those resources remain idle, indicating a massive inefficiency in resource allocation.

Enter Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides a solution to these challenges. From a business perspective, it offers cost savings, scalability, accessibility, and a pay-as-you-go model, making it an essential component for IT startups. The cloud computing industry is a high-growth sector, expanding at over 20% annually. Recently, more than ten cloud providers reported their first-quarter 2024 earnings, all showing impressive performance. To summarize: the cloud industry is booming.

Cloud Computing and Generative AI

We are now in the era of generative AI, which is closely tied to cloud computing. Data center GPUs, crucial for generative AI, are predominantly supplied by Nvidia, propelling its market cap close to Apple’s. Companies operating these data centers, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, are benefiting immensely. AWS remains the market leader, followed by Azure and Google Cloud, collectively known as the “Big Three” in cloud computing. Interestingly, these companies have transcended their original businesses, earning more from their cloud services.

AWS: A Closer Look

AWS provides a comprehensive suite of services, from applications and blockchain development to machine learning and quantum computing. Today, we’ll focus on AWS Bedrock, designed to simplify the creation of generative AI applications.

AWS Bedrock: Simplifying AI Development

AWS Bedrock allows you to create various generative AI applications, such as text generation, chatbots, text summarization, and image generation. While developing foundation models can be costly and time-consuming, Bedrock offers pre-built models like large language models and image generation models, ready for integration into your services.

Using AWS Bedrock is straightforward. After obtaining access, you can test different models in the playground. For instance, you can compare AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud’s strengths and weaknesses by generating text outputs with a chosen model, such as Anthropic’s Claude.

Learning Opportunities with AWS

For those interested in learning more about cloud computing, AWS offers excellent opportunities through its Tech Camp. This program is tailored for tech professionals to gain cloud expertise and for developers to delve deeper into AWS services. The courses are categorized by levels, starting from basic (Level 100) to more advanced topics (Level 200), covering a range of subjects from serverless web applications to generative AI and machine learning.


As generative AI and cloud computing become increasingly intertwined, it’s crucial for anyone in related fields to understand these technologies. AWS Tech Camp offers an invaluable learning experience, almost free of charge, with live sessions combining theory and practical exercises. This hands-on approach ensures a high learning efficacy. The camp will run from June 25th to 27th, 2024, so register through the provided link and take this opportunity to enhance your skills.